

i. Change keys and foreign keys:

  1. in _comments
    • a. comment_ID,
    • b. comment_post_ID,
    • c. comment_parent and
    • d. user_id
  2. in _postmeta
    1. a. meta_id,
    2. b. post_id and
    3. c. meta_value for meta_key=_thumbnail_id (it is the ID in the _posts table of the image)
  3. in _terms term_id
  4. in _term_taxonomy
    1. a. term_id and
    2. b. term_taxonomy_id
  5. in _term_relationships
    1. a. object_id and
    2. b. term_taxonomy_id
  6. in _posts
    1. a. (post)ID, and
    2. b. post_parent and in order to do this last one, you

  1. connect the _posts table to the old_new_post_IDs table with a relationship between post_parent <=> old_post_ID and remember that post_parent only refers to (most but not all) pages and some attachements, so:
  2. posts retain their zero for a post parent (posts get assigned to categories thru table _term_relationships), and
  3. pages with a zero as post_parent are 1st line pages. For these pages you must create a new page (e.g. BLD pages = 2199 in brixfax.NET) get its number and put that number as the post_parent so they will all become children of that 1st line page, while
  4. the rest of the pages update to the new ID and finally
  5. some attachments (images) have post_parent other than zero. Don’t know why. Better leave zero for the zeroes and update for the non-zeroes

ii. Other updates:

  • in _comments, field comment_content change all links to the old site to point to the new site
  • in _posts, post_content change all links
  • in _posts, post_content change all images
  • in _posts, update guid

Problems encountered:

  • Access produced errors on exporting
  • field term_order in _terms table didn’t exist in target MySQL. PhpMyAdmin wouldn’t accept the data
but what happens when an image is assigned to more than one page or post,
how does WP handle that?

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