He declared ignorance on the subject
His ignorance on such matters is dangerous
Ignorance is the parent of fear, and being completely nonplussed and confounded about the stranger, I confess I was now as much afraid of him as if it was the devil himself who had thus broken into my room at the dead of night.
Moby Dick; or The Whale
Herman Melville
I questioned all my men, so as to be able to give a name to this corpse; but the crew's ignorance was as complete as mine: nobody knew the victim.
Un Cadet de Famille
Alexandre Dumas
Ignorance is a reality on which we feed; science is a reality on which we fast
L’Homme Qui Rit
Victor Hugo
Ignorance breeds fear, and fear breeds hate
Various Quotes probably by Voltaire
No happiness is possible in ignorance; certainty alone makes life calm
Le Docteur Pascal
Émile Zola
Ignorance of the facts led to a bad decision

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