Verb, Noun

ουσιαστικό με παρόμοιες έννοιες


  • Leave me alone. Stop bothering me. Άσε με ήσυχο. Σταμάτα να μ’ενοχλείς.
  • He left all his things in the office and disappeared. Άφησε όλα του τα πράγματα στο γραφείο κι εξαφανιστηκε.
  • He left school at 11 o’clock. Έφυγε απ’ το σχολείο στις 11 η ώρα.
  • After he died he left nothing to his wife. He left everything he had to charity. Όταν πέθανε δεν άφησε τίποτα στη γυναίκα του. Τα άφησε όλα σε αγαθοεργίες.
  • He left his wife and children and moved-in with a much younger russian girl. Άφησε τη γυναίκα και τα παιδιά του και μετακόμισε με μία πολύ νεότερη ρωσίδα.
  • She has a leave of absence for the next 6 months. Έχει άδεια για τους επόμενους έξι μήνες.
  • Don’t leave the house unless you lock the door. Μη φύγεις απ’ το σπίτι αν δεν κλειδώσεις την πόρτα.
  • He left a very good job to start his own business. Άφησε μία πολύ καλή δουλειά για να ξεκινήσει την δική του επιχείρηση.
  • I leave that to you. Αυτό το αφήνω σε σένα.
  • Could you please leave your name and phone number? Θα μπορούσατε ν’αφήσετε το όνομα και τον αριθμό του τηλεφώνου σας?
  • Turn right at the next exit and leave the Highway. Στρίψτε δεξιά στην επόμενη έξοδο και εγκαταλείψτε τον αυτοκινητόδρομο.
  • This terrorist act left 12 people dead. Αυτή η τρομοκρατική ενέργεια άφησε 12 νεκρούς.
Leave me alone. Stop bothering me.
It was a stupid decision to leave without an umbrella in this weather
He placed the book on the table and stood up to leave
I remember asking him when he planned to leave
We will probably leave early tomorrow morning to avoid traffic
It is better to leave early to avoid traffic jams
I'm sorry but I have to leave now he said smiling
His decision to leave his stable job seemed crazy to some
You need to leave early to avoid traffic jams
Political exile forced him to leave his native country
All the students were allowed to leave the class except for those who had additional homework to finish
Don't forget to close the door when you leave
I will come to see you before I leave
My father left me when I was three years old
Leave me alone
I am sad to leave

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